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a you dress

How often have you not bought clothing that you generally liked because of one little thing? The skirt's too poofy, the sleeves are weird, the color is not flattering. These things are happening to me all the time. Especially the color thing. Now, close your eyes, (not really, you have to keep reading) and imagine this: You choose the color, the bodice, the neckline, the waistline, the skirt, the sleeves, and the collar. Oooooooo. You have a YOU dress. In your color. And you can be wearing it in 10 days, for less than $300. From Style Shake.


Enjoy Celebrations and Occasions on 9:36 PM

Brilliant! If only I had $300 in my hand, I'd buy one right now! I love anything that is semi-custom.

Marbie Murphy on 8:45 PM

Wow.. this sounds great! I just tailor-made a dress I saw from a magazine. Depended on my own imagination of how I'd look in it without consulting any experts on whether the dress would suit me. Spent S$380 on it. Hope it turns out all right for my wedding luncheon.

Mackenzie's Sketchbook