Thanks to everyone for your patience this past week. Life with a newborn has proven to be quite unpredictable and keeping up with the feedings, the blog, the job, the housework... it's tricky. Everyday I have been trying to make a list of things that MUST get done, and at least complete those - but even then it's like trying to hit a moving target because I never know when Niko is going to need my attention. The hubs is in charge of the baby today, so I have some good 2 hour chunks between feedings where I can get some serious stuff done. Yay! I'm working on some new designs for Kenzie Kate's 2010 collection and I'm doing my quarterly taxes. These two things are at the top and the bottom of my "Favorite Things To-Do" list, I'll let you guess which is which.
But before I do either, I have some adorable bobbies to share, from Petal Mix. I would wear any of these just to spice up an ordinary outfit any day of the week, but I can imagine them really rounding out a nice bridal shower ensemble or rehearsal dinner look. They've got that handmade, I'm-not-taking-myself-too-seriously thing going on, which I love.